
Support for torture of terrorists

Pew Research Center recently conducted a survey on torture of terrorists. Turns out, if you're more religious you're more likely to support it. Not surprising considering most religious texts limit human rights back to the dark ages.

I'm edging towards the "can rarely be justified" response, but maybe I've been watching too much 24!

What's your stance?


  1. I'm thinking about "Anonymous" - who has the 'courage' to have others torture for him; but not the courage to put a name with his commentary.

  2. Astra,
    My name is Sam Clemens, but I see your blog has no profile and no real name, so I imagine you are as cowardly as I am. Now about this torture...I've seen worse things done in high school gym class. Let me know when we get down to some real painful stuff, the stuff your boyfriend is into (wink wink).

  3. "Sam" -

    How do you know Astra isn't her real name?

    And did you mean the real painful stuff that YOUR boyfriend is into? Sorry you're bitter about that.

  4. YEAH! Does torturing the piss out of them include ripping open their abdomens and strangling them with their own entrails? 'Cuz if it does that would be awesome. OOH and then have someone reply to your actions by condescendingly telling you how your religious tendencies made you do it. 50,000 Iraqis dead? Not enough, I say! Hell, throw in some Afghanis too! Wow this blogging stuff is fun! My ideas are important! YAAAAY!!! People totally care!!!! In real life too!!! YAY Atheism solves the worlds problems!!! Denounce God you backwards, Bible-thumping, red-neck, deluded psychopaths. Atheism is totally the way to go!!! Oh. Wait. People are still stupid even if they're Atheists? The world's problems aren't caused by religion? And now we're arguing about boyfriends and rough sex? I'm so confused...

  5. Obvious troll is obvious.

  6. As a former 97b, cross-trained in interrogation, I'd like to pass on what my instructors, who were experts on how prisoners were treated during the Vietnam and Korean wars taught me: "Torture doesn't work."

    Terrorist cells are organized so that if one person in the network fails to report at a predetermined time, all passwords and operational plans are changed. The cell may be broken apart and a new network established. Any information you get a prisoner to reveal within the first day of his capture will have been changed. The best you can hope for is details of the prisoner's training, his specific instructions, and maybe some info on his leaders- if he has ever met the cell leaders.
