
Religulous Review

I have been on the lookout for a good religious comedy for a while without much luck so I gave Religulous a shot. It half hits the mark, being mildly funny most of the time, but painful to watch for the rest. Unfortunately the religious targets come across as pathetic husks of conscious beings, and barely get a coherent word in. Very little of significance is said until right at the end when Bill Maher ups the threat level. If the world does end by religion inspired nuclear terrorism "Lets remember what the real problem was, that we learned to precipitate mass death before we got past the neurological disorder of wishing for it". In light of the absurdly unintelligent religious interviewees, it made this message especially terrifying. If the enemy is this dumb, what hope do we have?

That said, if you like laughing at stupid religious people, this movie is for you!


  1. Welcome to the Atheist Blogroll! I watched Religuious just a few days ago. I've been meaning to put up a review. I'll give a two word review here, mean spirited.

  2. You must have found some of it a little funny, no? :P. But yeah, mean spirited, in a sort of hit and run kind of way. In stark contrast to something like "Jesus Camp" which kept things very honest and as a result much more effective.

    I look forward to your full review of Religulous.
